Wednesday I had a doctors appointment with my primary care physician before physical therapy. I had to walk around quite a bit so my knee suffered a lot. By the time I made it down to my PT my knee was huge. It was so unbelievably swollen. My physical therapist suggested I slow up on the at home exercises and give my knee some time to rest, and until the swelling goes down no active motion. For those of you who are unfamiliar with all of this "beat-around-the-bush" doctor talk, this means don't do any exercises on your own. This really hinders my rehab process because my husband is a Recruit Division Commander here at Naval Station Great Lakes so unless I am willing to wake up at 4am or bombard him for help as soon as he gets home, I cannot do my exercises at all. I managed to find a way to tie a dog leash loosely around my ankle to help support the weight of my leg but, geez, what a pain.
Luckily the swelling subsided by the time I had my next appointment so I was able to resume my regular routine (as swelling and pain allows). As of Thursday I was able to bend my leg 97 degrees with zero assistance. It's not much, and I am nowhere near where I want to be but I am trying to stay as positive as I possibly can. 😖
This picture was taken at my 7-week mark. As you can see, my knee is still pretty swollen and I am still struggling to regain all of the quad muscle that I have lost these past few weeks. I am hoping that this will be a little easier once I am able to walk brace-free.
I was hoping to be able to ditch my ROM brace this Wednesday or Thursday but unfortunately my doctor forgot to put a note in my record so I am stuck wearing it until my PT knows for sure I am allowed to. I am still getting used to trying to navigate and learn how the different offices and clinics within the Naval Hospital communicate so let me just say this: UGH!
I have my appointment up at the Medical College of Wisconsin with Dr. Raasch this Wednesday so I am hoping to get some suggestions on how to best tackle the annoyance that is my knee. Fingers crossed!